Transformer coil rewind can help you save time and money.
In many cases, transformer inoperability occurs when a coil fails as a result of an external cause, such as moisture exposure, a lightning strike, or a type of contaminant developing within the wank. When a coil fails, most other components remain viable and can be reused, including the head frame, core, tank, and bushing. The transformer coil rewind process ensures these components remain re-useable and restores operability to the transformer as soon as possible.
At Electric Power Systems, we can assist you with the transformer coil rewind process. Following a coil failure, we will thoroughly inspect your transformer and determine which winding material to use. At this point, we can also quote you an accurate cost. The rest of the process is as follows:
- We will disassemble the coil and determine its size and voltage.
- Our team will design, wind, and properly install the new coil.
- A full electrical test will be conducted to ensure the coil’s viability.
- We will finish things off by reconditioning your transformer, from the bushings and gauges to the cabinet.
We often recommend the transformer coil rewind process as opposed to replacing full transformers because it is more time efficient and you do not experience any added work at your job site. Additionally, you can save on the cost of designing, installing, and starting up a new transformer.
We would be happy to tell you more about the transformer coil rewind process and our capabilities. Contact us at Electric Power Systems today!
At Electric Power Systems, we offer transformer coil rewind services to those in Jacksonville and Tampa, Florida; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Norfolk, Virginia; San Francisco and Los Angeles, California; New York, New York; Houston, Texas; Raleigh, North Carolina; and Charleston, South Carolina.