Having a ship, boat or other watercraft can be quite enjoyable. Your watercraft may also be used to generate revenue. One consideration of owning watercraft is the potential environmental impact. Most modern watercraft operate on diesel fuel, with potentially noisy operation and vibrations, as well as the release of greenhouse gases. If you are looking for a way to reduce the air and noise pollution created by your ship or boat, shore power substations may be the answer to this problem.
Shore power substations can be customized to the needs of your boat or ship, as well as the particular details of the dock where your boat spends time in port. Here at Electric Power Systems, we can design customized shore power substations for your vessel’s unique requirements. These technologically advanced units allow you to pull power from the local electric grid and can match the frequency and voltage levels required by your boat.
Our shore power substations are dependable and versatile and allow you to avoid running your vessel’s diesel engine. In some areas, this has become a requirement for docked vessels, but even if it isn’t a requirement, it will allow you to enjoy quieter time on your boat, as well as reduce both water and air pollutants. It also reduces the wear and tear on your boat’s engine because it reduces the time that it has to be in operation. This could give your boat a longer lifespan while reducing its environmental impact.