Transformer Repair and Rebuild, Charleston, SC

HomeServicesTransformer Repair and Rebuild, Charleston, SC

Our skilled and experienced team does an amazing job with transformer repair and rebuild.

Over the past couple of decades, there has been a shift from manufacturing products that last and can be repaired several times to products that are pretty much disposable and end up in the landfill the moment something goes wrong with them. That means things that weren’t considered to be consumables just a few years ago now have much shorter life spans. That works out great for the manufacturer, but not so much for the consumer.

Transformer Repair and Rebuild in Charleston, South Carolina

Thankfully, there are still some products that can be repaired and rebuilt. At Electric Power Systems, we create custom industrial transformers that are built to last, and our transformer repair and rebuild service will get them back to working order rather than requiring replacement in most cases. While we always recommend routine transformer testing to stay on top of problems that start small, we can follow that with transformer repair and rebuild when needed, so you don’t have to go back to square one getting a custom one built for you.

Our skilled and experienced team does an amazing job with transformer repair and rebuild to make your transformer like-new again. We’ve been serving the Charleston, South Carolina area since 1987 and have built a reputation for putting our customers first and building a solid relationship with long-term mutual benefits. We will do almost any job as a growing leader in the electrical equipment industry, so big or small, give us a call!

If you have any questions about electrical equipment, such as transformers, shore-power substations, inductors, and other custom electric products and services, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

At Electric Power Systems, we offer transformer repair and rebuilding services to those in Jacksonville and Tampa, Florida; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Norfolk, Virginia; San Francisco and Los Angeles, California; New York, New York; Houston, Texas; Raleigh, North Carolina; and Charleston, South Carolina.