Substations have high-voltage capacities and are generally used to control electrical circuits, generators, the apparatus, and other electrical equipment. In most cases, these components are used to convert alternating currents to direct currents, but the types of substations used by facilities today vary greatly. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common types of substations we manufacture and service for our clients:
- Step-up substations—These substations rely on a nearby production facility for their power supply. To enhance the voltage level and transmit power to remote locations, these substations rely on large power transformers.
- Distribution substations—These substations are used in places where main voltage distributions need to be stepped down for consumers who use the same distribution network.
- Step-down substations—These substations are usually placed at varying points throughout an electrical network. They can transform transmission voltage to sub-transmission voltage and can be used as a source for distribution substations.
- Underground distribution substations—The main differentiation between underground distribution substations and standard distribution substations is that they are installed underground to save room for other structures above. This usually occurs in urban centers where available space is minimal.
When producing designs for substations, factors considered include the nature of the substation’s duties, the service the substation will render, and its operating voltage.
Do you need a custom substation for a unique electrical equipment setup? Manufacturing substations according to client specifications is our specialty, so contact us to discuss your needs in further detail.