Electrical transformers are a critical component of any electrical system because they are tasked with transferring electricity from one circuit to another. Transformers complete the process by changing the voltage level but without altering the frequency of the electricity.
Transformers enhance the efficiency and safety of power systems by lowering and elevating voltage levels when needed. They are used in a wide range of industrial and residential applications, usually to distribute and regulate power across extensive distances.
Transformers are made of three essential components, which include:
- The magnetic core—The magnetic core in a transformer is where a magnetic circuit is created, and a low reluctance path is established to maximize flux. Most magnetic cores are assembled by putting together laminated steel sheets with a minimal air gap to ensure the consistency of the magnetic path.
- The primary winding—The primary winding connects to the electric source, where the electrical current is originally produced. The primary winding is where the electrical current passes through first before heading to the secondary winding and to the magnetic core.
- The secondary winding—The secondary winding picks up the momentum of the electricity and helps create motion as the electricity travels to its primary source.
We produce exceptional, high-quality electrical transformers at Electric Power Systems. To learn more about transformers or to place your equipment order, reach out to us today.